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Staying In Your Lane – By Thokozile Mkwanazi

When a runner is competing in a race, they are required to stay in their lane. If the runner crosses over to an opponent’s lane, they disqualify themselves from the race. In life, God has given each of us a lane. The idea is to run our own race and stay in our lane.

In the bible, Paul said “I have run my race.” He was saying he stayed his course and reached his destiny. A sad commentary is to learn that a person ran a race, God never intended for them.

The person could have possibly been successful because they ran well, yet remained unfulfilled. That is because they ran a race God did not call them to run.

Live the life God has preordained for you. Pursue the dream God placed in your heart. You were born for greatness. Your calling is significant. God specifically designed your strengths to compliment your purpose enabling you and empowering you to run your race strong. Your lane was custom designed for you. You are the only one who can finish your race well.

You may have experienced false starts or even disqualifying circumstances. I want you to know, the race is still on. Do not allow false starts to hinder you nor hurdles to become barriers. Make the appropriate changes so that you will be able to finish in the lane God originally created for you.

Joseph was called by God to be the second ruler in Egypt. He went through horrific opposition to acquire the position. He did not realize the opposition he encountered would build his character and spur a dependency on God like never before. When God told Israel they would occupy the promise land, it took over 400 years. Their disobedience resulted in delayed fulfillment of the promise. Delay does not mean denial but staying in your lane and remaining obedient to the will of God can make things easier.

I want to encourage you today to stay the course and stay in your lane. That lane has all the resources needed for you to accomplish your purpose and reach your destiny. God never said the road would be easy, but He did say with Him nothing is impossible. He also said he would remain with us through the journey. Joseph could have given up, but he never let the opposition influence his feelings. Instead the dreams spoke louder than the opposition. Don’t look back, or regret, instead continue down the lane God placed you on. As you do, watch how purpose is exposed and destiny is reached.

Sometimes like Joseph the lane can become difficult to continue on, but remember, Jesus said when we are weak He is strong. It’s God’s supernatural resilience that allows you to get up and finish strong. Joseph relied on God’s strength through his race. When God told David in the bible he would be King, the road to the King’s seat was fierce. In fact, he was chased and betrayed, but he never gave up. He stayed in his lane and was promoted to King. I want to encourage you to stay in your lane. Don’t get weary, for in due season you will reap what God has designated for you. Don’t allow the past to be an indicator of the future. What is ahead of you is greater then what is behind you. You are too close to quit. Stay focused and alert. The creator of the Universe is watching out for you. God and all of Heaven are cheering you on. They are saying don’t quit. Remember, your calling is significant. Stay in your lane.

About Thoko Mkwanazi

Following God's purpose for my life. I want to make a difference in my generation by injecting something positive and being a light in a dark place


2 thoughts on “Staying In Your Lane – By Thokozile Mkwanazi

  1. Stay on your lane!!! This is very powerful and encouraging, we often want to mimick or imitate others in life, for a very long time I have tried to be my brother and some of my friends as a result I have been hurt by the results and lack of fuilfillment. The only hurdle that I have right now is identifying my passion abilities and God given talents so that I can develop them and maximise on them, I have been stuggling for a long time to identify myself or rediscover the real me, how do I do that?

    Posted by Proude Dlamini | January 3, 2019, 11:57 am
    • Dear Proude. Thank you for your message. The most important step is to seek God in prayer. When you genuinely want to know His plan for your life and you ask for direction, He is faithful enough to provide it. Staying your lane means seeking His will for your life. When you pray, you will start to see how He will start directing you. He uses different ways to speak to us. You will find yourself desiring to pursue certain goals, someone will speak something, you will find certain opportunities opening up, you may have a dream, etcm etc. That is God when we seek him sincerely. Remember to be patient. God ultimately comes through when we do not waiver in our faith. God bless you.

      Posted by Thoko Mkwanazi | January 9, 2019, 1:16 am

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